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Joining CCRC


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How do I join CCRC?
How do I join CCRC?
Joining CCRC is easy.The first thing you`ll need is your AMA membership.. The AMA provides guide lines, insurance, and a great monthly magazine that you`ll receive with your membership. See joining the AMA.       

Next, you will need to register with the with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and take The Recreational UAS Safety Test (TRUST) test online.
Registration is $5.00 for three years. This can be done at the FAA Drone Zone site. 
For info see FAQ and below

When you join CCRC there is one time $60.00 initiation fee.
The annual fee for the club is $120.00 per year as we offer a reduced rate for seniors, 65+ at $100.00 and a Family (immediate and up to four) at $125.00 per year.
An explanation of fees are provided below in the FAQ area of the site.

To join CCRC click on member signup

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What is an initiation fee?
What is an initiation fee?
This is one time 60.00 dollar fee charged for a new member to CCRC.
(This is in addition to your regular yearly dues renewed on your join date.)
You pay this $60 only one time ever, even if you quit the hobby for a bit and come back at a later time you`ll not be charged again.
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What is the AMA?
What is the AMA?
The AMA is the world's largest model aviation association, representing a membership of more than 175,000 from every walk of life, income level and age group.

Its a Self-supporting, non-profit organization whose purpose is to promote development of model aviation as a recognized sport and worthwhile recreation activity.
Organization open to anyone interested in model aviation.
Official national body for model aviation in the United States. AMA sanctions more than 2,000 model competitions throughout the country each year, and certifies official model flying records on a national and international level.
Organizer of the annual National Aeromodeling Championships, the world's largest model airplane competition. 

Chartering organization for more than 2,500 model airplane clubs across the country. AMA offers its chartered clubs official contest sanction, insurance, and assistance in getting and keeping flying sites. 

The voice of its membership, providing liaison with the Federal Aviation Administration, the Federal Communications Commission, and other government agencies through our national headquarters in Muncie, Indiana. AMA also works with local governments, zoning boards, and parks departments to promote the interests of local chartered clubs.
An associate member of the National Aeronautic Association. Through NAA, AMA is recognized by the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI), the world governing body of all aviation activity, as the only organization which may direct U.S. participation in international aeromodeling activities.
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I want to join, but do I have to join the AMA?
I want to join, but do I have to join the AMA?
Yes, CCRC is a AMA sanctioned field and operates under AMA rules and guidelines....All members and guest pilots must be AMA members.

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What are the overall steps to join?
What are the overall steps to join?

Below is a brief outline.

  1. Be a member of the Academy of Model Aeronautics (
  2. Be registered with the FAA (
  3. Take and pass the very simple FAA TRUST test (
  4. Create and pay CCRC membership (
  5. Schedule training and/or ‘check-off flight’ with a CCRC trainer and receive lock up instructions and current gate code to enter and fly at the CCRC field(s).